
周詩祿 CHOW Sze Luk (1907-1964)

1907年出生,浙江寧波人。十七歲加入上海天一公司,從學習沖曬影片及攝影學徒開始,晉升為攝影助理,最後升為攝影師。天一由默片改拍聲片,周隨美國攝影師開恩學藝,成為天一出品的第一部聲片《歌場春色》(1931)的攝影師之一。第一部獨立攝影的影片是《夫妻之間》(1931)。戰前長期為上海天一公司、天一港廠、由天一港廠改名而成的南洋影片公司擔任攝影。攝影的影片包括《芸蘭姑娘》(1932)、《飄零》(1933)等。亦曾為廣州紫薇公司任粵語片《無敵情魔》(1933)的攝影。抗戰勝利後,為復員後第一部開拍的影片《蘆花翻白燕子飛》(1946) 掌鏡。其後的攝影作品包括國語片《玉人何處》(1947)、《風雪夜歸人》(1949)等。

1947年自組青華影片公司,首部出品為楊工良導演、藍夜主演的粵語片《洞房花燭夜》(1947)。其導演生涯始自青華公司的第二部出品《春風得意》(1948)。此後,周主要從事粵語片的導演工作。青華尚出品了由周執導的《兩個煙精掃長堤》(1948)、《萬里長城》(1949)等數部電影,於1949年結束。到1953年,周又再組織了龍鳳影片公司出品影片, 創業作為周執導、新馬師曾主演的《龍鳳呈祥》(1953)。此後,龍鳳公司幾乎每年皆有出品,只在周主管邵氏粵語片組時曾停頓。龍鳳公司的出品多由周親自執導,包括《艷陽長照牡丹紅》(1955)、《賣肉養孤兒》(1957)、《碧玉簪》(1962)和《南北兩家親》(1964)等,他還為龍鳳公司自製自導了廈語片《梁山伯與祝英台》(1955)。

除了自己公司出品外,周也為不同公司執導,並且在四五十年代十分活躍, 著名影片包括《白楊紅淚》(1950)、《火網梵宮十四年》(1953)、《一年一度燕歸來》(1953)、《如此人生》(1954)、《小白菜情困楊乃武》(1956)、《一樓風雪夜歸人》(1957)和《兒心碎母心》(1958)等。當中不少均由紅伶芳艷芬主演。

1957年受聘邵氏影片公司主管粵語片組。從1957到1963年,他帶領吳丹、陳雲等導演,為邵氏粵語片組生產了五十多部影片,令邵氏成為那個時期出品質量俱高的粵語片公司,並且藉新星林鳳帶起了粵語片的青春文化。著名出品如《寶島神珠》(1957)、《玉女春情》(1958)、《獨立橋之戀》(1959)、《過埠新娘》(1959)、《榴槤飄香》(1959) 和《慈母心中線》(1961)等均由周執導。當中《獨立橋之戀》、《過埠新娘》和《榴槤飄香》皆到星馬取景,成為當時賣座而膾炙人口的影片系列。周在邵氏粵語片組也培養了不少新人材,幕後有吳丹、陳雲、龍剛, 幕前則有林鳳、歐嘉慧、張英才、呂奇、麥基等。


年份 語言 中文片名 英文片名 聯合導演
1948春風得意Joy and Success
1948得心應手Everything Goes My Way
1948兩個煙精掃長堤Two Opium Addicts Sweep a Long Dyke
1948地道狀元Native Scholar
1948武松大鬧獅子樓Mo Tsung's Adventure at the Lion Pavilion
1948雷劈好心人God's Punishment to the Good Man
1949萬里長城The Great Wall
1949呂布戲貂蟬Lui Bo's Trick on Due Sim
1949紅樓夢The Red Chamber Dream
1949玉面霸王The Handsome Master
1949石秀大鬧翠屏山Sek Sau Causes Uproar in Chuiping Mountain
1949陳世美不認妻Chan Sai-mei Betrays His Wife
1949牛郎織女The Cowboy and the Weaving Girl
1949夜吊白芙蓉The Night Mourning of Pak Fu-yung
1949卓文君夜訪相如Cheuk Man-kwan's Night Visit to Seung-yu
1949打雀遇鬼Meeting a Ghost While Hunting
1949拷打紅娘Beating the Matchmaker
1949武松血濺鴛鴦樓Mo Tsung's Blood Fight at Double Pavilion
1949蜀山劍俠Swordsman of Shu Mountain
1950大破銅網陣Solving the Copper-Netted Trap
1950白楊紅淚White Poplar, Red Tears
1950生無可戀甘為鬼Death is Welcome When Life is Dreary
1950花街慈母A Good Mother and a Hooker
1950脂粉豺狼A Wolf in the Girl's Fold
1950天涯何處再相逢Where Shall We Meet Again?
1950宋江怒殺閻婆惜How Sung Kong Slew Yim Po-sik
1950蛇王The Great Idler
1951陞官發財Promotion Means Money
1951兩仔爺Daddy and Sonny
1951范斗A Star of Mischief is Born
1951人海八大仙Eight Immortals in the World of Men
1951阿福The Story of Ah Fuk
1951失魂魚The Scatterbrain
1951指天篤地The Con Men
1952大良阿斗官Master Ah Dau, a Native of Tai Leung
1952觀音兵The Young Lady’s Escort Army陳皮
1952傻仔洞房The Fool's Nuptial Chamber
1952歌唱大鬧廣昌隆Musical Ghost that Causes an Uproar at Kwong Cheong Lung
1952呆佬拜壽The Dunce Attends a Birthday Party
(New) Paying Nocturnal Mourning to White Lotus
1952乖孫My Beloved Grandchild
1952如花美眷Beautiful Matching
1953女白金龍Female Pak Kam-lung
1953龍鳳呈祥Happy Wedding
1953偷雞奉母Stealing Chickens to Offer Mother
1953人間富貴花Flowers of Wealth
1953火網梵宮十四年A Buddhist Recluse for 14 Years
1953鬼妻The Ghostly Wife
1953碧海狂僧The Mad Monk by the Sea
1953再戀負心人Another Chance for Love
1953攝青鬼A Ghostly Tale
1953一年一度燕歸來The Swallows' Return
1953無端端發達Unexpected Love
1953牛耕田馬食穀The Ox Pulls the Plough while the Horse Eats the Grain
1953行正桃花運Cupid Above
1953恨海芳魂Woman in Grief
1953佛前燈照狀元紅A Scholar in a Buddhist House
1954香銷十二美人樓When Beauty Fades from the Twelve Ladies' Tower
1954金鳳迎春A Phoenix in Springtime
1954春滿乾坤福滿門Spring's Abundance
1954玉女懷胎十八年Pregnant for 18 Years
1954人結人緣It's Fun Getting Together
1954私奔The Elopement
1954艷滴海棠紅Beautiful Begonia
1954皇天不負好心人Heaven Never Lets the Kind-Hearted Down
1954歷盡艱辛一婦人Her Difficult Life
1954斷腸紅Heartbreak Petals
1955艷陽長照牡丹紅The Eternal Peony
1955雪姑七友Snow White and the Seven Fellows盧雨岐
1955雪梅教子Xuemei Teaches Her Son
Meng Keong Loo aka Meng Jiangnü's Wail Shattered the Great Wall
1955薛平貴與王寶釧The Story of Sit Ping-kwai and Wong Bo-chuen
1955牛郎織女The Cowboy and the Spinning Girl
Lian San Pak Chok Yin Tai aka Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai / The Butterfly Lovers
1955白蛇傳The Legend of the White Snake
1955聖母媽祖傳The Story of Ma Tso
1955春蠶到死絲方盡Till Death Do Us Part
1955仕林祭塔Si-lam Offers Sacrifice to the Leifeng Pagoda
1955銀鳳Silver Phoenix
1956大團圓The Grand Reunion
1956春燈羽扇Feather Fan under Spring Lantern
1956戇女婿拜壽Birthday Greetings from the Blundering Son-in-Law
1956夜弔白芙蓉Nocturnal Mourning for White Lotus
1956真假白金龍Pak Kam-lung and His Impersonator
1956小白菜情困楊乃武The Story of Little Cabbage and Yeung Nai-mo
1956萬紫千紅Colourful Tokyo
1957寶島神珠Pearl of the Island
1957艷舞銷魂The Dances of Charm
1957一樓風雪夜歸人Return on a Snowy Night
1957仙袖奇緣The Fairy's Sleeves
1957陰陽配The Marriage between the Quick and the Dead
1957賣肉養孤兒An Orphan Raised on Love
1958酒店情殺案Crime of Passion in the Hotel
1958婚變Marriage on the Rocks
1958千金小姐The Rich Young Lady
1958東京不夜天Tokyo the Sleepless City
1958仙女牧羊The Fairy Shepherdess
1958玉女春情A Pretty Girl's Love Affair
1958兒心碎母心Mother's Broken Heart
1958鴛鴦淚Lovers' Tears
1958蓬門淑女A Virtuous Girl from a Humble Household
1958瓊蓮公主Princess Jade Lotus
1958清官斬節婦The Story of a Chaste Woman
1958玉女驚魂Sweet Girl in Terror
1959青春樂Young Rock
1959艷屍案The Case of the Female Corpse
1959獨立橋之戀The Merdeka Bridge
1959殭屍復仇The Vengeance of the Vampire
1959禁地春光Fools Rush In
1959過埠新娘Bride from Another Town
1959榴槤飄香When Durians Bloom吳丹
1960四季蓮花Fragrant Lotus
1960玉女追蹤The Chase陳雲
1960殺人者死Death to the Killer
The Foolish Heart, Part One
This Foolish Heart, Part Two
1960戀愛與貞操Love and Chastity
1961血掌殺姑案Blood-Stained Hand
1961桃花扇A Fan to Remember
1961神童追兇The Chase
1961國、粵南北姻緣When the Poles Meet
1961慈母手中線The Mother
1962碧玉簪The Jade Hairpin
1963女人世界Women's World
1963文武香球The Perfumed Ball
1964國、粵南北兩家親North Meets South
The Amorous Lotus Pan
1964雙鳳奇緣The Female Prince