
尹海清 WAN Hoi Ching

女導演尹海靈之弟。抗戰勝利後由任編劇開始入行,第一部編劇是《晨妻暮嫂》(1947)。跟著數年成為活躍的電影編劇,他在1948年任副導演。1949 年執導了首部影片《淒涼姊妹花》(1949),一直活躍至1952年,三年間執導了十五部粵語片。在《賊美人》(1953)一片公映後停止執導,1958年復出拍多兩部影片便終止導演生涯。六十年代,他曾為仙鶴港聯公司任編劇及製片,編寫過賣座的武俠片《碧血金釵》(四集,1963-1964)。

年份 語言 中文片名 英文片名 聯合導演
1949淒涼姊妹花The Miserable Sisters
1950魂斷藍橋Love Ended by the Blue Bridge
1950飄零二孤女Two Roaming Orphan Girls周詩清
1950月下琴挑淑婦魂The Lutanist's Seduction under the Moon
1950玉面霸王大戰野女郎The Battle between the Handsome Master and the Wild Girl
1950濟公三氣華雲龍How the Monk Chai Kung Thrice Insulted Wah Wan-lung
1950新茶花女New Camille
1951丁財兩旺Plenty of Sons, Plenty of Wealth
1951真假玉面霸王The Handsome Master and His Double
1952珍珠淚Pearly Tears
1952綠窻紅淚Green Window, Red Tears
1952生包公夜審奸郭槐Judge Pao’s Night Trial of the Wicked Kwok Wai楊工良、馮志剛、畢虎、洪仲豪
A Story of Three Lovers, Part One楊工良
A Story of Three Lovers, Part Two楊工良
1952七姐會牛郎The Seventh Fairy's Rendezvous with the Buffalo Boy
The Beautiful Thief aka A Beauty Fine as Jade
1958濟公火燒琵琶精Monk Chai Kung Sets Fire on the Impenetrable Pipa Spirit王天林
1958花債狀元還A Scholar Redeems His Love