
楊工良 YEUNG Kung Leong (1911-1965)

約於1911年出生,學名楊玉韜,廣東番禺人,有「鬼才導演」之稱。在上海出生、成長和受教育。畢業於上海廣肇義學和復旦中學。中學畢業後, 進入明星影片公司當演員。1933年,在上海與陳翼青聯合執導了第一部影片《兄弟血》,該片是安文影片公司的出品。


在港早期以導演恐怖片而知名,這方面作品包括《午夜殭屍》(1936)、《科學罪人》(1936)和《歌場魅影》(1940)。楊除了常兼任編劇外, 亦不時參與演出,一直延至戰後初期。戰前還曾把馬師曾的粵劇著名演出編成同名電影 《苦鳳鶯憐》(1947),但由於香港淪陷,影片到戰後才得以公映。香港淪陷後,楊與唐滌生於1942年5月組成華南明星劇團,在香港不同的戲院上演粵劇。




年份 語言 中文片名 英文片名 聯合導演
1933兄弟血Blood of Brother陳翼青
1936午夜殭屍Midnight Vampire
1936科學罪人The Evil Scientist
1936女賊蘭娘The Woman Thief
1938錢作怪The Root of All Evil湯曉丹、蔣愛民、林蒼、洪仲豪、麥嘯霞
1939枕頭狀Pillow Talk
1939背解紅羅Intrigue in the Palace
Half a Beauty aka Young But Tricksy
1939三氣宣王Three Provocations against the Emperor
1939薄情郎The Lovelorn
1939差利遇攝青鬼Charlie Meets the Spectres
1939火燒石室Burning of the Stone Mansion
1940呂四娘The Story of a Swordswoman
1940荒江女俠第一集大破韓家莊Swordswoman of the Wild River, Part One: Against the Han Clan
1940乾隆下江南The Emperor Goes South
1940小英雄The Little Hero
The Yunnan Insurrection aka Cai E’s Yunnan Insurrection畢聖鳳
1940七重天Seventh Heaven
1940歌場魅影The Phantom of the Theatre
1941喜事重重Overflowing Joy
1941俠盜錦毛鼠The Furry Rat
1941錦上添花Let's Make Things Perfect
1941苦鳳鶯憐Bitter Phoenix, Sorrowful Oriole
1945大地兒女Children of the Earth
1946閃電姑娘Faster Than Lightning
1947妻嬌郎更嬌The Beautiful and the Handsome
1947西廂記Romance of the West Chamber
1947艷屍記The Beauty's Death
1947沙三少與銀姐Third Master Sha and Lady Ngan
1947桃花依舊笑春風Peach Blossoms Still Titter in the Spring Breeze
1947新白金龍New White Golden Dragon
1947洞房花燭夜The Wedding Night
1947天網恢恢The Net of Divine Retribution
The Corn is Ripe for Plucking
1948春滿華堂Springtime in a Luxurious Hall
1948龍鳳呈祥Harmony Reigns
1948刁蠻宮主The Spoiled Princess
1948審死官The Judge Goes to Pieces
1948玉樓情劫Tragic Romance in a Pavilion
1949人面桃花相映紅Faces as Red as Peach Blossoms
1949神經公爵The Crazy Duke
1949千鈞一髮The Razor's Edge
1949古屋行屍The Wandering Dead
1950江南八大劍俠The Eight Swordsmen of Jiangnan馮志剛
1950武潘安大鬧三門街The Handsome Hero's Brawl in Three Door Street
1950英娥殺嫂How Ying-ngo Killed Her Brother's Wife
1950紅娘子Red Lady
1951方世玉千里送艷娘How Fong Sai-yuk Escorted Yim-neung on a 1,000-Mile Journey
How Seven Heroes Crossed the Golden Bank, Part One
How Seven Heroes Crossed the Golden Bank, Part Two
Three Heroes of Pearl Sea aka Cheung Bo-tsai, the Bandit Hero
1951紅俠Scarlet Heroine
1951妙想天開Wild Imagination
1951千金小姐丫鬟賣A Lady Treated as Maid
1951第七奇人The Seventh Stranger梁琛
1952驚魂花燭夜Terror on the Wedding Night
1952良宵花弄月Night of Romance
1952萬花錦繡Like the Splendour of a Myriad Blooms
1952生包公夜審奸郭槐Judge Pao’s Night Trial of the Wicked Kwok Wai馮志剛、畢虎、尹海清、洪仲豪
A Story of Three Lovers, Part One尹海清
A Story of Three Lovers, Part Two尹海清
1952一曲鳳求凰Song of Courtship
1952賣花女Flower Girl凌雲
1952紅白牡丹花Red and White Peonies
1952戲迷情人Opera Fans' Sweetheart
Blooming Roses aka Coffee Seduction
1952玉女懷春Love in the Bloom
1953司馬琴挑寡婦心How Sima's Qin Won the Widow's Heart
1953新封神榜The God's Story
1953同人唔同命Not All People Have the Same Fate凌雲
1954紅船鬼影The Phantom of the Opera Boat
1954閻瑞生The Story of Yim Shui-sang凌雲
1954錦繡人生之可憐的裴迦This Wonderful Life
(Poor Pui-ka)
1954鳳閣重開姊妹花Two Sisters in Phoenix Bower凌雲
1954紅葉夫人Lady Red Leaf
1954萬里行屍The Voyage of the Dead
1954南海拳王The Boxer from Nanhai
1954自梳女The Bachelor Girl
1955好事成雙Blessings Come in Pairs
1955午夜屍變The Dead Comes Alive
1955搖錢樹The Money-Spinner
1955苦吻Bitter Kisses
1955碎琴樓Broken-Zither Bower
1955歌唱郎歸晚The Husband’s Belated Return
1955龍虎笙歌戲鳳凰Sing Her a Love Song凌雲、梁景博
1956乾隆皇大鬧萬花樓Emperor Qianlong’s Adventures in the Million-Flower Bower凌雲
1956呂布搶貂蟬Lui Bo Captures Diu Sim
1956穆桂英三擒三縱楊宗保How Muk Kwai-ying Thrice Captured and Released Yeung Chung-bo凌雲
1956鬼俠The Ghost Hero凌雲
1956陶三春困城To Sam-chun's Siege
The Life of Tsoi Sung aka Tsoi Sung's Bloodshed at the Governor's Office
1956桃花女鬥法The Peach Blossom Girl's Magic Duel
1956-矢田拉丁艷舞團Yada Latin Erotic Dance Troupe
1957穆桂英楊宗保大破天門陣How Muk Kwai-ying and Yeung Chung-bo Defeated the Heaven-Gate Formation凌雲
1957陰陽扇The Yinyang Fan
1957刁蠻郡主戲玉郎The Unruly Princess and Her Lover
1957賣身葬父The Woman Sold Herself to Bury Her Father
1957關公守華容 劉備過江招親General Kwan Guards the Huarong Path, Lau Bei Crosses the River to Meet His Bride凌雲
1957木蘭從軍Mulan, the Girl Who Went to War鄺光
Princess Miu Sin aka The Birth of the Goddess of Mercy凌雲
Seven Swordsmen and 13 Knights, Part One凌雲
Seven Swordsmen and 13 Knights, Part Two凌雲
1958海底尋夫骨Searching for the Husband's Corpse under the Sea
1958一夜九更天The Long Night
1958一把存忠劍A Patriot's Sword
1958狗飯餵狀元Let the Scholar Eat Like a Dog凌雲
1958拉車得美The Rickshaw-Puller Wins a Pretty Girl
1958兩傻遊地獄Two Fools in Hell
1958蘇小妹三難新郎Su Siu-mui Thrice Tricks the Groom
1958陳村種三跪水觀音Chan Chuen-chung's Three Genuflections before the Goddess of Mercy on Water
1958兩傻遊天堂Two Fools in Paradise
1959龍鳳喜迎春Springtime Lovers
1959春風秋雨又三年Another Three Years of Waiting
1959桃花女二度下凡The Peach Blossom Girl's Second Visit to the Secular World
1959戰國佳人A Beauty in Times of War
1960亞福對錯馬票A Wonderful Dream
1961雷克探案之血手凶刀The Valiant Brothers馮峰
1961天賜福星Lucky Child Granted by Heaven
1961分期付款娶老婆Instalment on Marriage
1961五嶽英雄傳Heroes of the Five Sacred Mountains
1961歡喜夫妻Home Sweet Home
Sword of Vengeance, Part One
Sword of Vengeance, Concluding Episode
1961三合明珠寶劍Two Swords and a Pearl
Ingenious Fluter, Part One
Ingenious Fluter, Concluding Episode
1962鍾無艷掛帥征西How Chung Mo-yim Conquered the West陳焯生
1962冷戰夫妻A Couple in Cold War
1962冷戰夫妻A Couple in Cold War
1962四海豪傑(上集)Heroes of the Four Seas, Part One
1962四海豪傑(下集)Heroes of the Four Seas, Part Two
1962水觀音三戲白金龍Goddess on the Sea
1962小偷捉賊記To Catch a Thief
1963乾隆皇大鬧杏花樓The Adventures of Emperor Qianlong
1963寶劍群英會The Meeting of the Swordsmen
1963黑蜈蚣The Black Centipede
1963擲嬌媚Throwing Coins at the Fairy Maidens
1963滴滴慈母淚Mother's Tear
1963古屋行屍The Ghost in an Ancient House
The Devil and Her Magic Needles, Part One
The Devil and Her Magic Needles, Part Two
1964密碼間諜戰The Danger Spies
1964一樓十四伙Pigeon Cage
Sleepers in Corridor
1964街頭巷尾Street Corners陳焯生
1965太太日記A Wife's Diary aka Diary of a Wife
1965火燒平陽城Burning of Pingyang City
(三集): 張無忌火燒光明頂
Story of the Sword and the Sabre, Part Three
Story of the Sword and the Sabre, Part Four
1965特務一○一Agent 101