羅熾 | LAW Chi

羅熾,原名羅祖,廣東中山人。出身電影世家,舅公乃製片人兼導演趙樹燊。四十年代末進電影圈,最初為吳回、劉芳、趙樹燊、關文清等導演當場記。五十年代中升任副導演,1959年導演潮語戲曲片《元宵案》,1961年導演羅劍郎、鳳凰女、蕭芳芳主演的武俠片《天山猿女》。其後執導數十部粵語、國語及潮語片,當中最著名的是改編自魏力(即倪匡)的流行小說《女黑俠木蘭花》(1966),其後更拍了續集。羅熾另一部代表作是關德興主演的《黃飛鴻勇破烈火陣》(1970) ,是《黃飛鴻》黑白片年代的壓卷之作。

年份 中文片名 英文片名 聯合導演
1959元宵案The Case of Lantern Festival
1961天山猿女Tian Shan Gibbon Girl
1961母子淚Mother and Son
1963紅鬃烈馬Heng Poh Chuan
1964狀元巡更Chong Yuen Chun Gang
1964神龍五虎將Five Swordsmen
1964風雪一枝梅Hsu Hsueh Mei
1965追兇記In Pursuit of the Murderer
1966玉女追兇The Big Chase
1966三娘得道Saam Leung Dak Diy
1966女黑俠木蘭花血戰黑龍黨The Dark Heroine Mu Lanhua Shattered the Black Dragon Gang
1966女黑俠木蘭花The Dark Heroine Mu Lanhua
1967女黑俠威震地獄門Lady in Black Cracks the Gate of Hell
1967貓眼女郎Lady With a Cat's Eyes
1968無情刀Fight for the Agreement
1968哪吒鬧東海Nazha's Adventure in the Eastern Sea
1968殺手劍The Assasinator
1968麒麟寨The Unicorn Fortress
1968小五義大破銅網陣The Magnificent Five
1968大瘋俠Crazy Swordsman
1970翠寒谷The Rivals
1970冰谷魔女The Filial Girl at the Icy Valley
1970大賊王The Great Highwayman
1970黃飛鴻勇破烈火陣Wong Fei-Hung : Bravely Crushing the Fire Formation
1971神劍魔劍Sword of Heaven and Hell
1971大破白蓮教Intruder at White Lotus Temple
1972洪門兄弟Hung Brothers
1973無情街Hong Kong Connection
1973黑龍The Black Dragon
1977刀劍霸王拳Killer From Above
1978洪熙官, 方世玉, 陸阿采The Invincible Kung Fu Trio
1979醉步迷猴Monkey Fist, Floating Snake
1979錦衣衛A Pretended Rebel
1979天殘地缺The Crippled Masters
1980鐵公雞The Lost Kung Fu Secrets
1981採陽女幫主The Guy With Secret Kung-Fu
1981十殿閻羅Shi Dian Yan Luo
1982十八層地獄The Hell
1990鬼屋小精靈Haunted House Elf
1991彎刀之謎Born a Ninja
1991神秘彎刀Commando the Ninja
1993紅粉殺手Pink Panther