胡鵬 | WU Pang





六十年代末,獲關正良邀請,赴台灣拍攝《金刀怪客》(1967)、《血戰八大盜》(1968)、《天王劍》(1968) 等多部武俠片,之後又在台灣為第一影業公司執導《女飛俠》(1969)、《胭脂虎》(1969)等片。1972年,獲越南僑商陳國炳所聘,到越南執導文藝片《夢斷雲山不了情》。



年份 中文片名 英文片名 聯合導演
1938一夜夫妻A Night of Romance, A Lifetime of Regret梁偉民、伍錦霞
1938戰士情花A Warrior's Love蔣愛民
1939夜送寒衣Farewell on a Winter Night
1940大地晨鐘The Tolling Bell
1941春閨三鳳Three Amorous Women
1941多情燕子歸The Sentimental Swallow Returns
1947火樹銀花Fiery Trees And Silver Flowers
1947辣手蛇心The Evil Mind
1948款擺紅綾帶Waving The Red Ribbon
1948血染霓裳Bloody Cloth
1948銷魂賊The Sexy Thief
1948拳頭世界World of Fists
1948烽火漁村Fishing Village in the War
1948天下婦人心A Woman's Heart
1949長使娥媚淚滿襟A Woman's Heart is Never Mended
1949黃飛鴻傳下集之火燒霸王莊The Story of Wong Fei-hung, Part Two
1949生死纏綿Romance Forever
1949魂斷歸家娘Lament of a Divorced Woman
1949黃飛鴻傳上集之鞭風滅燭Wong Fei-hung's Whip That Smacks The Candle
1950廣東十虎屠龍記How Ten Heroes of Guangdong Slew The Dragon
1950黃飛鴻傳第四集:梁寬歸天The Story of Wong Fei-hung, Part Four : The Death of Leung Foon
1950黃飛鴻傳第三集:血戰流花橋The Story of Wong Fei-hung, Part Three : The Battle by Lau Fa Bridge
1950火燒少林寺How Shaolin Monastery Was Reduced to Ashes
1950薛仁貴血戰柳家莊Sit Yan-kwai's Bloody Battle at Lau Village
1951別離人對奈何天Parting Unto Sky's End
1951百戰神弓The Brave Archer
1951虎膽英魂Soul of The Tiger
1951五虎斷魂槍The Five Heroes' Deadly Spears
1952天賜黃金Unexpected Gold
1952黃飛鴻傳血染芙蓉谷Battle in Lotus Valley
1952春宵醉玉郎Intoxication on a Spring Night
1953黃飛鴻一棍伏三霸How Wong Fei-hung Defeated Three Bullies with a Rod
1953徭山奪艷記The Beautiful Girl of Yao Mountain孫偉
1953鐵橋三義救穿雲燕The Rescue of Cloud-piercing Swallow
1954胭脂淚Rouge Tears
1954碧血染親兒My Son in Bloodshed
1954知足者,貧亦樂Poor but Happy
1954黃飛鴻初試無影腳Wong Fei-hung Tries His Shadowless Kick
1954郎心如鐵The Lover with a Heart of Steel
1954黃飛鴻與林世榮The Story of Wong Fei-hung and Lam Sai-wing
1954爸爸萬歲Three Cheers for Daddy
1954不如歸Homeward Bound!
1955甘鳳池與呂四娘The Story of Kam Fung-chi and Fourth Madam Lui
1955鐵馬騮別傳大結局The Story of Iron Monkey, The Concluding Episode
1955黃飛鴻正傳The True Story of Wong Fei-hung
1955姊妹心Sisters' Heart
1955梁寬與林世榮Leung Foon and Lam Sai-wing
1955銀河抱月Silvery Moon
1955鴻運喜當頭As Luck will have it
1955飛天蠄蟧The Flying Spider
1955下一代The Next Generation
1955黃飛鴻長堤殲霸How Wong Fei-hung Vanquished The Bully at a Long Dyke
1955兒孫福Everyone Loves Grandpa
1955黃飛鴻花地搶炮Wong Fei-hung's Rival for The Fireworks
1955黃飛鴻威震四牌樓Wong Fei-hung's Victory at The Sipai Lou
1955鐵馬騮別傳 續集The Story of Iron Monkey, The Sequel
1955望夫山上望夫歸On The Hill of The Waiting Wife She Awaits Her Husband's Return
1956黃飛鴻伏二虎How Wong Fei-hung Subdued The Two Tigers
1956黃飛鴻義救龍母廟Wong Fei-hung Saved The Dragon's Mother Temple
1956黃飛鴻龍舟奪錦Wong Fei-hung Wins The Dragon Boat Race
1956黃飛鴻大鬧佛山Wong Fei-hung's Fight in Foshan
1956白鶴英雄傳The White Crane Hero
1956黃飛鴻火燒大沙頭How Wong Fei-hung Set Fire to Dashatou
1956黃飛鴻鐵雞鬥蜈蚣Wong Fei-hung's Story : Iron Cock Against Centipede
1956黃飛鴻大戰雙門底Wong Fei-hung's Battle at Shuangmendi
1956黃飛鴻擂台比武Wong Fei-hung at a Boxing Match
1956黃飛鴻醒獅會麒麟How Wong Fei-hung Pitted a Lion Against The Unicorn
1956黃飛鴻橫掃小北江Wong Fei-hung's Victory in Xiao Beijiang
1956黃飛鴻花艇風雲Wong Fei-hung and The Courtesan's Boat Argument
1956黃飛鴻紅船殲霸How Wong Fei-hung Vanquished The Bully at The Red Opera Float
1956黃飛鴻官山大賀壽Wong Fei-hung Goes to a Birthday Party at Guanshan
1956黃飛鴻義救賣魚燦Wong Fei-hung Rescues The Fishmonger
1956黃飛鴻天后廟進香Wong Fei-hung's Pilgrimage to Goddess of The Sea Temple
1956黃飛鴻大鬧花燈Wong Fei-hung And The Lantern Festival Disturbance
1956鐵砂掌三會鷹爪王Iron-palm Versus Eagle-claw
1956黃飛鴻怒吞十二獅How Wong Fei-hung Vanquished The Twelve Lions
1956黃飛鴻水底三擒蘇鼠廉How Wong Fei-hung Thrice Captured So Shu-lim in The Water
1956黃飛鴻三戲女鏢師How Wong Fei-hung Thrice Tricked the Lady Security Escort
1956黃飛鴻觀音山雪恨Wong Fei-hung's Battle at Mount Goddess of Mercy凌雲
1956黃飛鴻古寺救情僧How Wong Fei-hung Saved The Lovelorn Monk From The Ancient Monastery
1956武松血濺獅子樓Mo Chung's Bloody Fight on Lion's Tower
1956黃飛鴻七獅會金龍How Wong Fei-hung Pitted Seven Lions Against The Gold Dragon
1956黃飛鴻獨臂鬥五龍How Wong Fei-hung Fought Five Dragons Single-handedly
1957哪吒鬧東海Nazha's Adventures in The East Sea
1957風火鬼頭刀The Devil's Blade
1957打劫陰司路Hold-up on The Road to Hell
1957哪吒大鬧天宮Nazha's Adventures in The Heavenly Palace
1957黃飛鴻獅王爭霸Wong Fei-hung, King of Lion Dance
1957黃飛鴻喋血馬鞍山Wong Fei-hung's Battle at Saddle Hill
1957黃飛鴻大破飛刀黨How Wong Fei-hung Smashed The Flying Dagger Gang
1957胭脂馬三鬥黃飛鴻Wong Fei-hung's Three Battles with The Unruly Girl
1957黃飛鴻夜探黑龍山How Wong Fei-hung Spied on Black Dragon Hill at Night
1957黃飛鴻二龍爭珠Wong Fei-hung's Rival for a Pearl
1957黃飛鴻血濺姑婆屋How Wong Fei-hung Fought a Bloody Battle in The Spinster's House
1957黃飛鴻河南浴血戰Wong Fei-hung's Fight in He'nan
1957黃飛鴻擂台鬥五虎Wong Fei-hung's Battle with The Five Tigers in The Boxing Ring
1957南海拳王夜盜梅花馬How The Boxer From Nanhai Stole The Dappled Horse at Night梁鋒
1958黃飛鴻五毒鬥雙龍Wong Fei-hung's Story : Five Poisonous Devils Against Twin Dragons
1958黃飛鴻大鬧鳳凰崗How Wong Fei-hung Stormed Phoenix Hill
1958黃飛鴻西關搶新娘Wong Fei-hung Seizes The Bride at Xiguan
1958黃飛鴻大破金鐘罩How Wong Fei-hung Subdued The Invincible Armour
1958黃飛鴻大破馬家莊Wong Fei-hung's Victory at Ma Village
1958射鵰英雄傳 上集Story of The Vulture Conqueror
1958黃飛鴻鐵雞鬥神鷹How Wong Fei-hung Pitted an Iron Cock Against The Eagle
1958樊梨花金光陣產子Fan Lei-fa Delivers a Son in The Golden-light Formation
1958黃飛鴻虎穴救梁寬Wong Fei-hung Saves The Kidnapped Leung Foon
1958薛剛打爛太廟Adventure of Sit Kong
1958黃飛鴻龍爭虎鬥Wong Fei-hung's Fierce Battle
1959射鵰英雄傳 下集Story of The Vulture Conqueror ,Part 2
1959黃飛鴻義貫彩虹橋Wong Fei-hung on Rainbow Bridge
1959夫妻和順欖Peace to Man and Wife
1959黃飛鴻被困黑地獄Wong Fei-hung Trapped in Hell
1959猩猩王大鬧天宮King Kong's Adventures in The Heavenly Palace
1959黃飛鴻戲棚伏虎How Wong Fei-hung Defeated The Tiger on The Opera Stage
1959鬼馬福星Lucky Ones up to Mischief
1959火葬爛頭何Cremation of Rotten Head Ho
1959好女唔論嫁粧衣Dowry or not, she's eligible
1960龍虎鬥江南The Battle Between The Dragon and Tiger
1960屠龍女三鬥粉金剛Tao Lung Fighting Against Fin Kim Kong
1960黃飛鴻大戰猩猩王Wong Fei-hung's Battle with The Gorilla
1960天山雙狐鬥屠龍Two Heroines Conquered The Red Dragon at Tian Shan
1960碧海香螺傳The Marriage of The Beautiful Corpse
1960怪俠赤屠龍The Strange Hero Conquered The Dragon
1960黃飛鴻擂台爭霸戰Wong Fei-hung's Combat in The Boxing Ring
1960鐵臂拳王Iron Arms and The Boxer
1960花燈記The Festive Lantern
1960公寓謀殺案Apartment Murder
1961青龍鎮殲霸戰Killing of The Villains
1961火網英雄傳Swords of 9 Continent
1961殺出重圍The Breakthrough
1961金刀奇俠Showdown at Ching Seng Hill
1961神拳鐵扇子The Invincible Iron Fan
1961崑崙七劍鬥五龍Combat Between Seven Swords and Five Dragons
1961金刀女俠橫掃鐵樑寺Decisive Battle at Iron Rafter Temple
1961萬劫孤兒The Pity Orphan
1961太平天國女英雄China at Dawn
1961黃飛鴻大破五虎陣How Wong Fei-hung Smashed The Five Tigers
1961紐約唐人街碎屍案Murder Case in Chinatown伍錦霞
1962新夜光杯The New Magic Cup
1962洪宣嬌Hung Suen-kiu
1962新姊妹花The Happy Reunion
1962劍影恩仇錄The Mysterious Sword
1962關東大俠 白骨潭奪寶記The Treasure of The White Skeleton Cove
1962岳飛出世The Birth of Yue Fei
1962關東第一劍 黑虎崖殲仇記Heroes of Kwan Tung
1962三劍鬥天魔Three Swords and The Sky Monster
1963紅線女夜盜寶盒Night Errand
1963玉戒神魔Magic Ring
1963咖啡女郎The Two Café Girls
1963大俠金葫蘆The Golden Gourd
1963天降福星Unexpected Fortune
1963追婚記Reluctant Wedding薛群
1963兒女恩仇Fortitude of Life
1963黃泉會母Mother and Son Met in The Tunnel
1963南龍北鳳The Dragon and The Phoenix
1963亂拜石榴裙The Mysterious Bracelet
1963猿女復仇記The Revenge of a Gorilla Girl
1963碼頭碎屍案The Murder in The Pier
1964錦繡天堂The Beautiful Heaven黃岱、莫康時、龍圖、馮志剛、黃鶴聲、盧雨岐、珠璣
1964一劍恩仇The Cause of Gratitude and Enmity with a Sword
1964霹靂薔薇 下集The Thundering Red Rose, Part Two珠璣、馮志剛、黃鶴聲
1964錦繡天堂Beautiful Heaven黃岱、莫康時、龍圖、馮志剛、黃鶴聲、盧雨岐、珠璣
1964柳葉刀Repentance of The Swordsman
1964銀箭金刀The Silver Arrow and The Golden Blade
1964七寶金剛劍The Sword of The Buddha's Warrior
1964七煞掌The Noxious Palm
1964富貴滿華堂Riches in Splendour
1964江湖七虎The Seven Tigers
1964霹靂薔薇 上集The Thundering Red Rose, Part One珠璣、馮志剛、黃鶴聲
1964孝子賢孫Our Family
1965魔穴神娃 下集The Mysterious Swordwoman, Concluding Episode
1965魔穴神娃 上集The Mysterious Swordwoman, Part One
1965閻王令The Flag of Death
1965刀劍雙蘭Two Sword Girls
1965鐵劍朱痕 下集The Blood-smeared Sword of Honour, Part Two
1965鐵劍朱痕 上集The Blood-smeared Sword of Honour, Part One
1966火龍神珠The Dragon Flag and The Sacred Pearl
1966兩湖十八鏢 上集The Seven Little Tigers, Part One
1966兩湖十八鏢 下集The Seven Little Tigers, Concluding Episode
1967金刀怪客The Golden Sword
1967歡樂歌聲處處聞Song of Merry Music
1967黃飛鴻虎爪會群英Wong Fei-hung Meeting The Heroes with The Tiger Paw
1968天王劍King's Sword
1968血戰八大盜The Eight Randits
1968血戰八大盜Eight Robbers
1968鐵血火龍令The Bloody Dragon Flag
1968金刀怪客The Golden Sword
1968天王劍The King's Sword
1969五嶽風雲Heroic Tale of The Five Mountains
1969胭脂虎Tigress is Coming
1969成家立室Let's Build a Family龍圖、馮志剛、盧雨岐、珠璣
1969伏魔乾坤劍The Devilish Swords
1969女飛俠The Flying Swordgirl
1970蕩女癡男The Sexual World
1972夢斷雲山不了情Con Gi Cho Nhau
1973三美挑情3 Nymthos
1979醉俠蘇乞兒The Story of Drunken Master
1980阿福與土佬The Luckiest Trio