王天林 | WONG Tin Lam




年份 中文片名 英文片名 聯合導演
1950江湖奇俠The Strange Hero
1950峨嵋飛劍俠大破青螺谷The Flying Swordsmen of Emei Wins the Battle in Green Snails Valley
1950女三劍俠Three Girl Musketeers
1950飛劍俠血戰周家莊The Flying Swordsman's Bloody Battle at Zhou Village
1950神俠金羅漢The Magnificent Hero Gold Arhat
1950峨嵋飛劍俠The Flying Sword Hero from Emei Mountain
1950峨嵋飛劍俠 下集The Flying Sword Hero from Emei Mountain ,Part 2
1950方世玉父子報血仇Fong Sai-yuk and Junior's Revenge
1950花王之女The Gardener's Daughter
1951崑崙三劍俠Three Swordsman from Kunlun
1951峨嵋飛俠誤闖風火島Flying Swordsman's Adventures on the Island of Wind and Fire
1951荒江女俠大破蜈蚣陣How The Heroine of Deserted River Shattered the Centipedes Militia
1951雷電追風劍The Lightning Sword
1951雌雄雙俠The Chivalrous Pair
1951峨嵋飛劍橫掃金銀宮How the Flying Swordsman from Emei Mountain Raided Gold and Silver Palace
1951飛刀李鳳嬌Lee Fung-kiu's Flying Daggers
1951無敵連環鏢Darts of Fury
1952血濺金沙灣Bloody Fight by the Golden Sand Beach
1952奇俠黑旋風An Extraordinary Hero, Black Swirling Wind
1952方世玉肉搏洪熙官The Duel Between Fong Sai-yuk and Hung Hei-kun
1952女俠一丈紅Heroine in Red
1952白蛇傳The Legend of Madame White Snake
1952歌唱方世玉打擂台 上、下集Fong Sai-yuk Challenges the Boxing-Stage Champion ,Part 1 & 2
1952怪面虎大鬧骷髏洞How Queer-faced Raided the Cave of the Skulls
1953黃飛鴻義救海幢寺 下集How Wong Fei-hung Redeemed Haichuang Temple ,Part 2
1953黃飛鴻義救海幢寺 上集How Wong Fei-hung Redeemed Haichuang Temple ,Part 1
1953蘇乞兒A Beggar Named Su
1953同遮唔同柄Not All Umbrellas Have Similar Handles
1954觀世音Goddess of Mercy
1954碧血黃花Blood-Stained Flowers
1955陳世美不認前妻Chen Shimei Denies His Wife
1955百變梅花俠Heroine of a Hundred Faces
1955狀元貪駙馬The Scholar Whose Ambition is to Marry a Princess
1955梁山伯與祝英台The Romance of Leung Shan-pak and Chuk Ying-toi
1955真假濟公The Magic Monk and His Double
1955小鳳仙 續集Lady Balsam's Conquest
1956趙飛燕The Story of Chiu Fei-yin
1956潘巧雲情挑石秀Poon Hau-wan's Seduction of Sek Sau
1956夜半歌聲Song at Midnight
1956黃飛鴻沙面伏神犬How Wong Fei-hung Vanquished the Ferocious Dog in Shamian
1956一榜三狀元The 3 Best Scholars
1956安安尋母An'an Searches for His Mother
1956昭君出塞Wong Chiu-kwan Leaves For the Frontier
1956杜十娘怒沉百寶箱Tenth Madam To Sinks Her Treasure Chest in Anger
1956十三妹Thirteenth Sister
1956葡萄仙子Angel of the Vineyard
1956王昭君Wang Zhaojun
1956江湖奇俠 新火燒紅蓮寺Strange Hero
1956失匙夾萬The Scatterbrain
1956那個不多情 上下集Who Isn't Romantic? ,Part 1 & 2
1956薔薇處處開Season of Budding Roses
1956桃花江Songs of the Peach Blossom River張善琨
1957風雨桃花村The Storm-Tossed Village
1957梅花飛劍俠Flying Swordsman of the Plum Blossom
1957棺材精生仔The Coffin Spirit Bears a Son
1957千里送京娘Escorting King-neung on a 1000 Mile Journey
1957阿里山之鶯The Nightingale of Alishan
1957龍女The Mermaid Princess
1957隱身女俠Invisible Female Knight
1957飛仙俠大破謀人寺 下集Flying Swordsman's Raid on Criminal Monastery ,Part 2
1957飛仙俠大破謀人寺 上集Flying Swordsman's Raid on Criminal Monastery ,Part 1
1957小鳳An Orphan Girl
1957湘西趕屍記Corpse-Drivers of Xiangxi
1958蛇女思凡The Serpent Girl's Worldly Fancies
1958鳳凰于飛The Flight of the Phoenix
1958浴室丟屍Discarded Body in a Bathroom
1958蛇女思凡Golden City Pagoda
1958龍交龍鳳交鳳Marrying Into Your Own Class
1958熱女郎Hot Lady
1958濟公燒琵琶精Monk Chai Kung Sets Fire on the Impenetrable Pi-pa Spirit
1958銀海笙歌The Film World's Merry Song
1958望夫歸Waiting for My Lover's Return
1958番婆弄Shrews from Afar
1958地下火花Underground Sparks
1959百花公主Princess of a Hundred Flowers
1959樑上佳人Lady on the Roof
1959兩傻大鬧太空Riots in Outer Space
1959百鳥朝鳳All For Her
1959火燒紅蓮寺 第四集The Story of Red Lotus Temple ,Part 4
1959家有喜事All in the Family
1959火燒紅蓮寺 三集The Story of Red Lotus Temple ,Part 3
1960鐵臂金剛The Iron Fist
1960多情的野貓The Amorous Pussy-Cat
1960我的愛人就是你You Are My Loved One
1960野玫瑰之戀The Wild, Wild Rose
1960入室佳人A Challenge of Love
1960私戀Secret Affairs
1960殺機重重Death Traps
1960小鳥依人The Innocent Girl
1960翠樓春曉Second Spring
1960女俠文婷玉The Lady Musketeer
1960七喜臨門The Seven Lucky Ones
1961南北和The Greatest Civil War on Earth
1961文婷玉火海殲仇Venture of the Lady Musketeer
1961殺人王大戰扭計深Man Killer Against the Tricky Man
1961遊戲人間You Were Meant for Me
1962一飛沖天Soaring High
1962福慧雙修Double Date
1962火中蓮Lily of the Valley
1962血戰摩天嶺Huit Chin Moh Tien Leng
1962血戰摩天嶺續集大結局Huit Chin Moh Tien Leng ,Part 2
1962南北一家親The Greatest Wedding on Earth
1962珍珠淚Her Pearly Tears
1962那個不多情 續集Who Is Not Romantic? ,Part 2
1963小兒女Father Takes a Bride
1963教我如何不想他Because of Her
1964南北喜相逢The Greatest Love Affair on Earth
1964啼笑姻緣 下集A Story of Three Loves ,Part 2
1964啼笑姻緣 上集A Story of Three Loves ,Part 1
1964寶蓮燈The Magic Lamp
1964深宮怨Romance of the Forbidden City
1965金玉奴A Beggar's Daughter
1966自作多情Mistaken Love
1966銷錦囊The Lucky Purse
1967蘇小妹Wife of a Romantic Scholar
1967麒麟送子Little Matchmaker
1968紅梅閣Red Plum Pavilion
1968決鬥惡虎嶺Travels with a Sword
1968七大盜Desperate Seven
1968血灑紅玫瑰The Crimson Rose
1968太太萬歲Darling, Stay at Home
1969神經刀Mad, Mad Sword
1969試情記How Love Is Tested
1969盜璽The Royal Seal
1970異鄉客The Unknown Swordsman
1971追擊The Chase
1972奪命拳王The Fist That Kills
1972喜從天上來Bliss From Heaven
1973山東老大Dragon Blows
1974啼笑夫妻My Darling Love
1974猛虎鬥狂龍The Big Showdown
1978歡天喜地對親家The Rollick Marriage
1979鬼馬智多星The Magic Machines
1979大鬥大The Utmost Greatness
1979光棍·神偷· 雙彩鳳The Good, the Bad and the Beauties