王風 | WONG Fung


王風是繼胡鵬之後,拍過最多黃飛鴻片集的導演,其中以《黃飛鴻醒獅獨霸梅花樁》(1968)、《黃飛鴻威震五羊城》(1968)、《黃飛鴻醉打八金剛》(1968)、《黃飛鴻肉搏黑霸王》(1968)、《黃飛鴻虎鶴鬥五狼》(1969)等片最為出色 。



年份 中文片名 英文片名 聯合導演
1959石頭太子篡位 白髮蘇娘大結局Stone Prince Takes the Throne
1959白娘娘借屍還魂The White Lady's Reincarnation
1959白髮蘇娘懷石胎White-Haired Madam Su is Pregnant
1960陰陽河會妻The White-snake Girl ,Part 2
1960哪吒蛇山救母How Na Za Rescued His Mother from the Snake Mountain
1960五毒白骨鞭The Deadly Whip of Bones
1960雪峰魔女The Snow Peak Nymph
1960十三號兇殺案House No. 13
1960白蛇女碎屍還孽債上集The White-snake Girl ,Part 1
1960神童靈犬擒兇記The Wonder Boy
1961苗山白毛女 下集White Hair Girl of Miu Shan ,Part 2
1961蘆花河會母Meeting on the Weedy River
1961天山龍鳳劍 下集The Swords of Tien Shan ,Part 2
1961刁蠻女俠 下集Temperamental Amazon ,Part 2
1961白門斬呂布Lui Po
1961苗山白毛女 上集White Hair Girl of Miu Shan ,Part 1
1961魔犬追凶Hound Muderer Case
1961活骷髏浴血五仙觀The Attack of the Five Fairies Monastery
1961天山龍鳳劍 上集The Swords of Tien Shan ,Part 1
1961刁蠻女俠 上集Temperamental Amazon ,Part 1
1961追魂太極鏢Little Sword and 9 Rings ,Part 2
1961一劍九連環Sword and 9 Rings
1962財叔殲霸戰How Cai Shu Subdued the Tyrant
1962白猿女三盜寶蓮燈How the Ape Girl Stole the Lotus Lamp
1962黃毛怪人The Blonde Hair Monster
1962斷橋產子Giving Birth on the Bridge
1962連環謀殺案Chain Murder
1963夜半人狼Midnight Were-wolf
1963萬劍之王The King of Swords
1963飛劍神龍The Flying Sword
1963吸血神鞭The Magic Whip
1963追魂白骨刀The Murderous White-boned Blade
1964魔宮神掌 上集Palace of Evil ,Part 1
1964魔宮神掌 下集Palace of Evil ,Part 2
1964魔鬼的愛情Devil's Love
1964打龍袍Striking the King
1964神劍王子The Prince of the Magic Sword
1965女人第一Lady First
1965雄心太子The Ambitious Prince
1966鐵血恩仇錄 上集An Avenger's Tale ,Part 1
1966鐵血恩仇錄 下集An Avenger's Tale ,Part 2
1967玉面女殺星The Lady Killer
1967金骷髏Golden Skeleton
1967怪俠一枝梅The Strange Hero Yi Zhimei
1967情種The Great Lover
1968飛俠小白龍The White Dragon
1968黃飛鴻拳王爭霸Wong Fei-Hung : Duel for the Championship
1968血影紅燈Red Lamp Shaded in Blood
1968神鞭俠The Magic Whip
1968黃飛鴻醒獅獨霸梅花樁Wong Fei-Hung : The Invincible ‘Lion Dancer'
1968黃飛鴻肉搏黑霸王Wong Fei-Hung : The Duel Against the Black Rascal
1968黃飛鴻威震五羊城Wong Fei-Hung: The Incredible Success in Canton
1968藍鷹Blue Falcon
1968黃飛鴻醉打八金剛Wong Fei-Hung: the Eight Bandits
1968怪俠三氣胭脂虎How a Strange Hero Thrice Teased an Unruly Girl
1969黃飛鴻巧奪鯊魚青Wong Fei-Hung : The Duel for the ‘Sha-Yu-Qing'
1969滿天神佛A Big Mess
1969黃飛鴻浴血硫磺谷Wong Fei-Hung in Sulphur Valley
1969銀刀血劍Silver Knife, Scarlet Blade
1969黃飛鴻虎鶴鬥五狼Wong Fei-Hung's Combat with the Five Wolves
1969黃飛鴻神威伏三煞Wong Fei-Hung : The Conqueror of the ‘Sam-hong Gang'
1969血羅巾Bloody Handkerchief
1969餐搵餐食餐餐有One Day at a Time
1970蕩婦The Lewd Woman蔣偉光
1970一代棍王King of Swindlers
1970飛劍神童Flying Sword and the Smart Lad
1970黑珍珠Black Pearl
1970滿肚密圈A Stomach of Crazy Tricks
1970三角圓床Triangular Round Bed
1970有殺冇賠Kill Without Compensation
1971獅王之王Super Boxer
1974黃飛鴻義取丁財炮Rivals of Kung Fu
1974多咀街Gossip Street
1975陳夢吉計破脂粉陣Carry on Con Men
1975七彩滿天神佛The Crazy Group
1975扭計祖宗陳夢吉Two Con Men
1976乾隆皇奇遇記Emperor Chien Lung
1976鬼才倫文敘Hustler from Canton
1977扭計三星Return of the Con Men
1978哈囉床上夜歸人Hello Sexy Late Homecomers朱牧
1978烏龍濟公The Mad Monk Strikes Again
1978倫文敘與沙三少The Cunning Hustler
1978哈囉床上夜歸人Hello, Sexy Late Homecomers朱牧
1978老夫子奇趣錄Mr. Funny Bone Strikes Again
1979莽漢鬥老千Iron Bridge Kung Fu
1979梁天來The Last Judgement
1979風水奇譚Legend of Feng Shui
1979倫文敘智鬥柳先開The Best Hustler Wins
1980係咁先Police Sir
1981灰靈Soul, Ash
1981灰靈Soul Ash