
顧文宗 KU Wen Chung (1909-1981)

1909年2月8日出生,原名顧景炎,江蘇無錫人。北平(今北京)育英中學畢業。1931年隨中國話劇運動先鋒陳大悲赴上海,獲陳介紹到天一公司, 為正籌備拍攝有聲電影的天一任訓練國語及校正對白之職,並在天一出品的第一部聲片《歌場春色》(1931)飾演了一角。顧由此對電影產生興趣,並在天一由場記做起,學習幕後幕前工作。1933年與姜起鳳聯合執導了其首部影片《到上海去》。1935年再隨陳大悲組織電臺廣播演出及樂劇訓練所。訓練所曾在上海演出了古裝樂劇《西施》。

1940年來香港,顧在《絕代佳人》(1940)、《潘巧雲》(1940)、《美 人計》(1941)等國語片中任演員,並在《賽金花》(1941)一片中,以不掛名的方式為製片出身的導演何強執行編劇導演工作。香港淪陷時他曾任職放送局演藝系。

抗戰結束後開始執導粵語片,第一部為武俠片《桃花大俠》(1949)。跟著執導了石燕子主演的賣座電影《方世玉胡惠乾三探武當山》(1949)。顧與石跟著在短短三年間合作拍攝了接近十部方世玉為主角的電影。1949 年顧文宗還執導了該年的賣座奇蹟《七劍十三俠》,有關電影系列短期內共拍了六部,首三部均由顧執導,令出品機構友僑公司賺了大錢,以及主演的曹達華亦成了紅極一時的武俠明星。顧是四五十年代之交香港武俠片熱潮中,最成功、最有地位的一位武俠片導演。



年份 語言 中文片名 英文片名 聯合導演
1933到上海去Scenes in Shanghai姜起鳳
1949桃花大俠Peach Blossom Hero
Fong Sai-yuk and Wu Wai-kin's Three Attempts at Wudang Mountain aka Fong Sai-yuk, the Sequel
1949怪俠飛天龍Flying Dragon, The Strange Hero
1949小俠艾虎The Junior Hero Ngai Fu
1949濟公活佛Chai Kung, the Reincarnated Buddha
1949方世玉九戰蛾眉山Fong Sai-yuk's Nine Battles at O-Mei Hill
13 Heroes with Seven Swords, Part One
13 Heroes with Seven Swords, Part Two
1949方世玉萬里報師仇The Revenge of Fong Sai-yuk
1949三盜九龍盃Three Attempts at the Nine Dragon Cup
1949紅蝴蝶大戰採花賊Between the Suited and the Suitor
1949洪熙官血濺柳家村Hung Hei-kun's Big Brawl at the Lau Village
Fong Sai-yuk Burns the Red Cloud Temple
13 Heroes with Seven Swords, Part Three
1950東成西就Success All the Way
1950關東小俠大戰女鏢師The Battle between a Young Northeast Hero and the Lady Security Escort
1950馬騮精大鬧女兒國Monkey King's Adventures in the Girls' Kingdom
1950關東小俠大破蓮花陣How the Young Northeast Hero Shattered the Lotus Militia
1950方世玉大破白蓮教How Fong Sai-yuk Shattered the White Lotus Gang
1950方世玉血戰陰陽洞Fong Sai-yuk in a Bloody Battle in Yin Yang Cave
1950崑崙女俠血戰燕子盜The Battle between the Heroines from Kunlun and the Swallow Thief
Is Pingyang City Burning, Part One
Is Pingyang City Burning, Part Two
1950崑崙女俠夜探摩天嶺The Heroine from Kunlun Spies on Mo Tin Peak at Night
1950陸阿采The Story of Luk Ah-choi
1951方世玉正傳The True Story of Fong Sai-yuk
(又名 ︰獨山女俠黑牡丹)
Black Peony, the Heroine
1951小五義Five Little Heroes
The Battle between Fong Sai-yuk and the Flying Hero of the Northeast aka The Battle between Fong Sai-yuk and the Little Hero of the Northeast
1951方世玉遠征巨靈峰Fong Sai-yuk's Expedition of the Grand Peak
Big Blade Wong Fifth’s Revenge aka Big Blade Wong Fifth’s Quest for Vengeance李鐵
1951風塵四傑Four Heroes
1951馬玉龍‧歐陽德大破連環寨Shattering the Chain-Linked Fortress
1951靚仔玉三打下山虎Handsome Yuk Thrice Beats the Tiger
1951紅衣女俠Heroine in Red
1951花木蘭Lady General Fa Muk-lan陳皮
1952大破黑風寨The Breaching of Black Wind Stockade
1952女俠白蓮花White Lotus, the Heroine
Auyeung Tak and His Double aka Auyeung Tak, The Sequel
1952光緒皇嘆五更Emperor Kwong Sui’s Nocturnal Lament陳皮
Yeung Nai-mo and Little Cabbage, Part One
1952楊乃武與小白菜大結局─六部會審楊乃武Yeung Nai-mo and Little Cabbage, Concluding Episode: The Trial of Yeung Nai-mo
1952老婆皇帝Wife Emperor aka My Wife, My Master
1953風流天子Playboy Emperor
The Story of Qin Liangyu
1953代代平安Peace to All Generations
Pearl Pagoda, Part One
Pearl Pagoda, Part Two
1953飛鳳游龍Happy Lovers
1954我笑蓮花似玉郎My Love is Like a Lotus-Flower
1954碧血黃花The 72 Martyrs of Canton卜萬蒼、王天林、易文、洪波、馬徐維邦、 屠光啟、張善琨、羅維
1954秋戀Autumn Romance
The Opera Boat in Singapore aka It's Never Too Late
1955方世玉與胡惠乾The Story of Fong Sai-yuk and Wu Wai-kin
1956西遊記Journey to the West
1956九九大血案The Murder Case at Club 99
A Silly Girl Snatches the Bridegroom aka A Bumpkin Girl Goes to Town
1956粵、國女俠響尾追魂鏢The Heroine of Deadly Darts
The Heroine Yu Kam-fung aka The Heroine Kam- fung / Duel with Cross-River Dragon
1956鵑血忠魂The Blood of Patriotic Souls
Monk Ji Gong黃文禧
1957龍鳳雙劍俠The Dragon-Phoenix Swordsmen
1957目蓮救母Mulian Saves His Mother
1958十七十八正當時Blooming Age
1959好花插牛屎Beauty and the Beasts
1959弄破醋甕Breaking the Vinegar Jar
1959捉龜走鱉He Has Taken Her for Another
Returning to Hong Kong to Marry aka Tuen Ki Hong Kong Chua Swee Bou
1963星島姊妹花Three Sisters