
黃鶴聲/黃金印 WONG Hok Sing / WONG Kam Yan (1913-2004)


戰後在1948年已回到香港。一方面繼續演出粵劇,一方面演出及執導電影,並漸次以電影導演為主要職業。早期執導作品中有「丑生王」梁醒波第一部演出的電影《臨老入花叢》(1950)。由於出身粵劇,其作品多為改編自粵劇,又或是原創的粵劇戲曲片。曾執導新馬師曾和任劍輝兩位著名文武生罕有合演的影片多部,像《孔明三戲周瑜》(1956)、《烽火戲諸侯》(1957)和《大明忠烈傳》(1957)等。著名武旦余麗珍三套以紮腳演出為號召的《紮腳劉金定》(1958)、《山東紮腳穆桂英》(兩集,1959)、《紮腳樊梨花》及《紮腳樊梨花掛帥罪子》(1960) 均由黃執導。六十年代他又執導了京劇名伶粉菊花派弟子大展北派功架的《無敵楊家將》(1961)及《大戰泗洲城》(1962)。六十年代大型粵劇班大龍鳳劇團把戲寶改編成電影,亦多由黃執導,如《百戰榮歸迎彩鳳》(1961)、《雙龍丹鳳霸皇都》(1962)、《鳳閣恩仇未了情》(1962)等。其他著名作品還有任劍輝大展「十奏嚴嵩」功架的《大紅袍》(1965),記錄粵劇例戲演出的《觀音得道 香花山大賀壽》(1966),林家聲、吳君麗合演的粵劇喜劇《龍鳳爭掛帥》(1967), 由任劍輝弟子陳寶珠主演的仙鳳鳴名作《再世紅梅記》(1968)等。他是最多粵劇電影名作的其中一位導演。


年份 語言 中文片名 英文片名 聯合導演
1947金粉霓裳White Powder and Neon Lights
1947暴雨梨花Pear Flower in the Storm
1947魂兮歸來The Returned Soul
1947紅顏非薄命Not an Ill-Fated Lady
1948爭妍鬥麗Show Off Your Beauty
1948吐艷芬芳The All-Time Beauty
The Haunt of the Eastern Capital, Part One
The Haunt of the Eastern Capital, Part Two
1949連生貴子A Baby for Everybody
1949彩鳳戲游龍The Playful Lovers
1950斷腸姑嫂斷腸夫Heartbreak Family
1950臨老入花叢The Elderly Gentleman Searches for Romance
The Haunt of the Eastern Capital, Part Three
(Royal Relatives)
1950落花時節落花樓The Season of Falling Petals
1950楚雲雪夜盜檀郎Lucky Husband
1950甘鳳池與呂四娘The Adventures of Kam Fung-chi and Lui Sei-neung
1951烏龍大俠A Great Hero of Many Blunders
1951飛天神龍Dragon Rising
1951女兒香Sweet Girls
1954血戰青龍莊The Battle of Green Dragon Hamlet
1955三審玉堂春The Three Trials of Yuk Tong Chun
1955山東響馬Bandits of Shandong
1955賣怪魚龜山起禍Incident in the Turtle Mountain
1956孔明三氣周瑜How Hung Ming Thrice Defeated Chow Yu
1956鄉下佬尋仔A Country Bumpkin Looks for His Son
1956朱買臣衣錦榮歸Chu Mai-sen's Grand Homecoming
1956莊周蝴蝶夢Butterfly Dream
1956梁紅玉擊鼓退金兵How Leung Hung-yuk's War Drum Caused the Jin Troops to Retreat
1956大鬧三門街The Sanmen Street Brawl
1956血染楚王宮Bloodshed in the Cho Palace
1956嫦娥奔月Goddess of the Moon趙樹燊
1957狄青三取珍珠旗How Tik Ching Thrice Seized the Pearl Flag
1957烽火戲諸侯Tricking the Marquess with Beacon Fires
1957荒唐鏡五鬥陳夢吉The Feuds between Fong Tong-geng and Chan Mung-kat
1957猛鬼橋Ghost in Revenge
1957蔡中興建洛陽橋Building the Luoyang Bridge梁鋒
1957大明忠烈傳Martyrs of Ming
1957荒唐鏡扭死官How Fong Tong-geng Exasperated the Government Official
1957魚腸劍The Hidden Dagger趙樹燊
1957羅通掃北Law Tung Conquers the North
1958孝子遇仙姬A Filial Son Meets a Fairy趙樹燊
1958三王嫁二喬The Marriages of the Two Princesses
The Story of Lau Kam-ting aka Lau Kam-ting
1958張巡殺妾饗三軍Cheung Chun Slays His Concubine to Feed His Troops
1958洛陽橋畔姑嫂墳Sisters-in-Laws’ Tombs by Luoyang Bridge趙樹燊
1958胭脂井The Rouge Well
1958天女散花Flower Goddess趙樹燊
1958正德皇夜探龍鳳店Emperor Zhengde's Night Visit to the Dragon and Phoenix Inn
1958春風帶得歸來燕Spring Breeze Brings Back the Returned Swallow
1958碧海狂僧Mad Monk
1958鯉魚精The Carp Spirit
1958妻賢子孝母含冤The False Accusation of Mother
1958漢宮生死恨The Tragedy of Han Palace
1958魂化瑤台夜合花Young and Beautiful
1958七賢眷Seven Filial Kin
1958玉堂春The Story of Yuk Tong Chun
1959花開並蒂蓮Twin Lotuses
1959四郎探母Fourth Brother Yeung Visits His Mother
1959三盜九龍杯Three Attempts to Steal the Goblet of Nine Dragons
1959楊八妹取金刀Eighth Sister Yeung Seizes the Gold Blade aka Fourth Brother Yeung Visits His Mother, Part Two
The Story of Muk Kwai-ying, Part One aka The Story of Yeung Chung-bo
(colour) / Muk Kwai-ying
1959鳳燭燒殘淚未乾A Sad Wedding Night
The Story of Muk Kwai-ying, Part Two aka Woman General
1959泣荊花Story of the Wronged Wife
1959大破銅網陣Shattering the Copper Net Array
1959女兒香Sweet Girl
1959七俠五義夜探沖宵樓Seven Swordsmen and Five Altruists Spy on Chongxiao Tower
1959冤枉相思Misguided Love
1959妹仔王掛帥平西The Maid Who Led an Expedition to Conquer Xiliao
1959王先生行正桃花運A Stroke of Romance for Mr Wong
1959王先生著錯老婆裙Mr Wong is in His Wife's Dress by Mistake
1959王先生騎正胭脂馬Mr Wong's Adventures with the Unruly Girl
1959王先生招親Mr Wong Advertises for a Wife
1959武松打虎Mo Chung Fights the Tiger
1960第八才子花箋記Poetic Genius
1960紮腳樊梨花Fan Lei-fa
Who's the Murderer?
Daughter of King Kong, Part One
Daughter of King Kong, Concluding Episode
1960骨肉情深姊妹花Two Sisters and the Stepmother
1960天涯慈母淚Mother's Tears
Fan Lei-fa and Her Adopted Son
1960百萬軍中藏阿斗Ah Dau in the Army
1960飛龍太子劈石救銀妃Prince Flying Dragon
1960忠孝雙全並蒂花Two Honourable Sisters
1960神鷹飛天俠The Eagle Knight and the Crimson Girl珠璣
1960雲台十八劍The Swordsmen of Mount Wan Toi
1960女黑俠飛鵝嶺救夫Adventure of Black Heroine
1961女飛俠紅姑Crimson Girl
1961富貴花開鳳凰臺New Year's Greetings
1961百戰榮歸迎彩鳳Return from Battle for His Love
Crime of Passion
1961血淚種情花Love with Tears
1961萬里烽煙尋妹喜The Cruel King
1961威震江湖八卦刀Heroic Deed
1961英雄肝膽美人心Hero and Beauty
Seven Phoenixes
1961古墓追魂劍Green Dragon Sword
1961十八追魂劍Wonderful Handkerchief
1961三宮六苑斬狐妃In the Palace
The 13 Swords, Part One
The 13 Swords, Concluding Episode
Three Battles to Secure Peace for Nation
1961盲公睇女婿When the Blind Man Sees His Son-in-Law
Heroes of the Age
Made Duke at Thirteen
1961花木蘭Lady General Fa Muk-lan
1961無敵楊家將The Invincible Yeung Generals
1962雙龍丹鳳霸皇都The Heroes and the Beauty
1962福祿雙星Stars of Happiness and Prosperity
1962大戰泗洲城The Capture of the Evil Demons
1962危城金粉War Crisis aka Beauty in a Lost City
1962沉冤得雪Injustice Undone
1962金鐧怒碎銀安殿Riot in the Palace
1962穆桂英招親Lady Warrior
1962平陽宮主替子受斬刑Princess Chui-wan
1962潮州女狀元he Chaozhou Female Top Scholar
1962一笑傾城A Kingdom for a Smile
1962刁蠻元帥莽將軍A Maid Commander-in-Chief and a Rash General
1962哪吒出世The Birth of Nazha
1962龍鳳奇緣The Strange Romance of the Dragon and the Phoenix
1962哪吒劈天救母How Nazha Shattered Heaven to Save His Mother
1962黛玉葬花Substituted Bride
1962鳳閣恩仇未了情The Princess in Distress
Seven Woman Generals
1962哪吒三鬥紅孩兒Nazha and Crimson Child
1962飛天雷震子The Flying Hero Lui Chen-tsi
1962方世玉擂台救母Fong Sai-yuk Rescued His Mother in the Boxing Ring
1962石鬼仔出世The Birth of Stone Child
1962神眼娥眉尋太子The Queen and the Prince aka A Pair of Phoenix
1962火海勝字旗Knight of the Victory Marked Flag
1962方世玉武當山招親Fong Sai-yuk Fixing His Marriage at Wudang
1962春滿帝王家The Royal Wedding in the Palace馮志剛、珠璣、 陳皮、馮峰、李願聞、李壽祺
The Battle between the Seven Phoenixes and the Dragon
Magic Sword and the Devil, Part One
Magic Sword and the Devil, Concluding Episode
1963小龍女三戲白蛇精Little Dragon Girl and Lady White Snake
1963七手八臂觀世音Goddess of Mercy
1963血洗蝴蝶鏢Butterfly Dart
1963雷鳴金鼓戰笳聲Drums along the Battlefield
1963豹山神鶴劍Holy Stork Sword
1963魔爪神鞭The Claw and the Whip
1963二郎神楊戩Wonderful Foreteller
The Iron Wild Goose and the Frosted Feather Sword, Part One
The Iron Wild Goose and the Frosted Feather Sword, Part Two
1963兩個東宮爭太子The Prince and Two Queens
1963仙鶴魔龍Dragon and Fairy
1963天劍神筆The Powerful Sword and the Magic Pen
The Gravestone
1963新夜弔秋喜Crying Over Chau-hei
1963老豆賺錢女享福Father Earns, Daughter Enjoys
1963天齊寺會母Tin Chai Temple aka Meeting in the Temple
1963還我山河還我妻Give Me Back My Country and My Wife
White Hair Fairy
The Golden Scissors, Part One
The Golden Scissors, Part Two
1964雙救駕A Heroic Pair Rescues the Emperor aka Sung Kiew Keh
Two Brave Girls aka Musketeers Plundering South Yangtze
1964順手發財A Henpecked Husband
1964錦綉天堂The Beautiful Heaven黃岱、莫康時、胡鵬、龍圖、馮志剛、 李鐵、吳回、盧雨岐、珠璣
1964神鶴金鷹Stork and Eagle
Three Tigresses, Part One
Three Tigresses, Part Two
1964陣陣美人威Refoundation of Kingdom Qi
1964無情寶劍有情天The Revenge Battle
1964七彩神火棒Magic Fire Rod
1964水蛙記Three Daughters劉堅
A Half Bed Space
Four Crazy Heroes, Part One
The Thundering Red Rose, Part One胡鵬、珠璣、馮志剛
The Thundering Red Rose, Part Two胡鵬、珠璣、馮志剛
Seven Fights with Nine Tail Fox
1964摩登二世祖The Modern Dandy
1964生神仙The Human Fairy
1964滿堂吉慶Happiness Reigns Everywhere盧敦、吳回 、左几、李鐵、李晨風、胡鵬、秦劍、珠璣、凌雲、陳文、莫康時、陳皮、陳雲、陳烈品、黃岱、馮峰、馮志剛、楚原、 楊工良、蔡昌、蔣偉光、盧雨岐、龍圖
Four Crazy Heroes, Part Two
1965木屋沙甸魚Hut in Paradise aka All Packed in a Small House
1965威風十八劍The 18 Old Swordsmen and the Girl aka 18 Powerful Swords
1965大紅袍The Great Red Robe aka The Red Robe
Monkey Saint Versus Eight Fairies
1965九九九神秘雙屍案Twin Corpses Mystery aka A Mysterious Murder
The Unnamed Flute, Part One aka The All-Powerful Flute, Part One
The Unnamed Flute, Part Two aka The All-Powerful Flute, Part Two
1965趙飛燕The Eternal Beauty Chiu Fei-yin
1965999離奇三兇手Dial 999 for the Three Murderers
Chai Kung Versus Vampire
1965孫悟空三戲百花仙Fairies and a Monkey aka Monkey Saint Teases the Fairy of Flowers
1965粵、國南北鐵咀雞Two Mouthy Ladies from the North and South
Trouble in Court aka Chai Kung Raids the Courtroom
1965火鳳狂龍The Restoration of Kingdom Qi aka The Furious Phoenix and the Mad Dragon
1966彩鳳榮華雙拜相A Lady Prime Minister of Two Countries
Fat-Choy Precious Diamond aka Treasure of Diamonds
1966金羅漢三戲鐵觀音Golden Monk
1966孫悟空大戰群妖Fairies and a Monkey aka Monkey King and the Imps
1966觀音得道 香花山大賀壽Goddess of Mercy Celebrates Her Birthday at Heung Fa Shan aka The Night of the Opera Stars
1967薛丁山與樊梨花The Heroic Pair
1967薛丁山與樊梨花下集大結局The Heroic Pair, Concluding Episode
1967情俠鬧璿宮Uproar in Jade Hall
1967龍鳳爭掛帥Love and War aka Who Should Be the Commander-in-Chief?
1967李師師Madame Lee Sze-sze
A Merry Maid aka A Gifted Scholar and a Beautiful Maid
Teaching the Son to Slay the Emperor aka The Plot
1967飛哥跌落坑渠Teddy Boy in the Gutter
1967賣當借Selling, Pawning and Borrowing
1968再世紅梅記Love in the Red Chamber aka The Reincarnation of Lady Plum Blossom
1968飛龍刀Dragon Sword aka The Flying Dragon Dagger
1968怪劍Witch Sword aka The Strange Sword