
陳皮 CHAN Pei (1903-1966)


1935年薛覺先為竺清賢的南粵影片公司演出《沙三少》( 1935)一片,找陳皮演回他曾演過的話劇。陳皮從此為南粵演出。1936年,為鸚鵡公司執導了首部有聲電影《客途秋恨》(1936),再執導了《可憐秋後扇》(1936),開始主理南粵公司的導演事務。為南粵執導了《孤寒財主》(1936)、《妻多夫賤》(1936)和《鬥氣姑爺》(1937) 等賣座喜劇。1937 年執導的《神秘之夜》(1937)更大膽地在香港片中創立了以歌唱取代對白的「歌唱片」形式,為後來不少粵語片所仿效。1938年又在南粵片場執導了一部由越南人演出的越南語電影《鬼域》(1938)。



1960年,成為新創辦的興發電影公司製片主任,亦是興發公司的主力導演,較有名的作品包括《琴挑誤》(兩集,1960)、《夫證妻兇》( 1961)、《歌唱仕林祭塔》( 1962)等。1964年因病做手術後退休。1966年6月20日由於肝癌在香港病逝。

年份 語言 中文片名 英文片名 聯合導演
1925艷福難消Romances are Not for Me
1936客途秋恨The Pain of Separation
1936可憐秋後扇An Abandoned Woman
The Evil Mother-in-Law aka The Virtuous Daughter-in-Law
1936孤寒財主The Miserly Old Man
1936桃色血案Crime of Passion
1936妻多夫賤The Polygamist
1937鬥氣姑爺The Witty Patriarch
1937老婆皇帝Wife, Emperor!
A Mysterious Night aka A World of Darkness
The Polygamist, Part Two aka Nine Sons
1937酸甜苦辣The Joys and Sorrows of Love
1937七十二行72 Professions
1938七星伴月Seven Beauties
At This Crucial Juncture
(Episode One)
The Corrupt Magistrate aka The Cry for Justice
1938奇女子Femme Fatale譚新風
1938胭脂淚Rouge Tears
1938鬼域The Realm of Ghosts
1939第八天堂Eighth Heaven
1939春情烈火Love Burns黃岱、魯司、嚴夢
1939桃李爭春Love Duel薛覺先、嚴夢
1939麻雀經Mahjong Bible
1939一曲魂銷A Song to Remember
1939醫死閻羅王Putting the King of Hell to Death
1940疑雲疑雨Jealousy and Suspicions
Why Not Return? Part Two
1947狂風雨後花Flowers after the Storm
1947冤枉相思Love with No Result但杜宇
1947我為卿狂I'm Crazy about You
1947週身胆鬧廣州The Guangzhou Adventure of the Fearless
1948蕩婦魂歸Return of the Lascivious Woman's Soul
Good Girl Covers for Both Sides
Security Escort Master Wong Tin-ba, Part One洪仲豪、馮志剛
Security Escort Master Wong Tin-ba, Part Two洪仲豪、馮志剛
1949陳夢吉鬥荒唐鏡Chan Mung-kat versus Fong-tong Keng
1949孟麗君The Ancient Beauty, Mang Lai-kwun
1949倫文敘賣菜Lun Man-chui Sells Vegetables
The Weapon, Blood Sucker, Part One
The Weapon, Blood Sucker, Part Two
1950俠盜黑海棠A Chivalrous Bandit
1950妻多夫賤Too Many Wives Ruin the Husband
(The Song of Chan Yuen-yuen)
1950可憐女Pitiful Girl
1950時價夫妻Through Thick and Thin in Marriage
1950窮風流Poor But Happy
1951情困武潘安The Valiant Poon On Perplexed by Love
1951新梁山伯祝英台New Love Story of Leung Shan-pak and Chuk Ying-toi
1951歌唱沙三少Musical Third Master Sha
1951多情孟麗君The Amorous Mang Lai-kwun珠璣
1951花木蘭Lady General Fa Muk-lan顧文宗
1952新金葉菊New Golden Leaf Chrysanthemum
1952女少爺Young Master is a Girl aka The Girl Who Plays Young Master
1952觀音兵The Young Lady’s Escort Army
1952點錯鴛鴦譜Mismatched Love Birds
1952酒樓戲鳳Frolicking with a Pretty Maid in the Wine Shop
1952歌唱倫文敘Musical Lun Man-chui
1952梁山伯再會祝英台Leung Shan-pak's Second Meeting with Chuk Ying-toi
1952光緒皇嘆五更Emperor Kwong Sui’s Nocturnal Lament顧文宗
1952兩個歌王Top Singers Two
1952呂布戲刁蟬The Affair between Lui Bo and Diu Sim
1952生紅娘三戲張君瑞How the Red Maid Thrice Mocked Cheung Kwun- shui
1952火燒阿房宮Palace Efang On Fire
1952歌唱十二釵The Twelve Singing Beauties
1952晨妻暮嫂Wife in the Morning, Sister-in-Law at Night
1953相逢盡是未婚人All Acquaintances are Single
1953新女兒香Sweet Girl
The Reunion of a Bitter Couple
1954桃紅柳綠燕嬉春Swallows in Spring
1954蝴蝶夫人Madame Butterfly
1954夜弔秋喜Paying Nocturnal Sacrifice to Chau-hei
1954情賊沙三少Third Master Sha, the Heart Stealer
1954夜祭金嬌Paying Nocturnal Sacrifice to Kam-kiu
1954苦盡甘來Success Follows Sorrow謝虹
1955歌唱羅卜救母How Law-buk Rescued His Mother
1955繅絲女Silk Factory Girl
1955玉女香車The Model and the Car
1955情竇初開Teenage Romance
1955鸞鳳換香巢Moving House
1955陳姑追舟Ms Chan's Boat Chase
1955癲婆尋仔A Mad Woman Goes Hunting for Her Son
1955狡婦疴鞋The Sly Woman
1955吳起殺妻求將How Ng Hei Slew His Wife to Prove His Allegiance
1955姑嫂情深Sisters-in-Laws' Love
1955鍾無艷The Story of Chung Mo-yim
The Precious Jade Fan aka The Precious Jade Fan
1955賣油郎獨佔花魁The Oil Vendor and His Pretty Bride
1955紅拂女私奔Lady Red-Broom Elopes
1955倫文敘與李春花The Story of Lun Man-chui and Lee Chun-fa
1955後窗Backyard Adventures
1955長相憶Never Forgotten
1956碧玉簪The Green Jade Hairpin
(又名:風流天子巧遇刁蠻女 )
The Boat Girl Sues the Emperor aka The Amorous Emperor and the Spoilt Lady
1956假鳳虛鸞The Fake Marriage
1956鐵嘴雞Lady with a Silver and Bitter Tongue
1956烈女報夫仇A Brave Girl Avenges Her Husband's Death
1956王昭君琵琶動漢皇Wong Chiu-kwan's Pipa Song Touches the Han Emperor
Kwai-chi Sues aka The Horse Trader
1956夜夜念奴嬌Tonight and Every Night
1956楊八妹招親Eighth Sister Yeung
1956狂風暴雨弔寒梅Mourn for the Storm-Beaten Plum Flower
1956趙匡胤醉斬鄭恩The Drunken Emperor Slays His Minister
1957鐵嘴雞水鬼陞城隍Iron-Beaked Hen's Sudden Rise to Power
1957狐仙奇緣The Strange Fox
1957傻仔洞房The Fool's Honeymoon
Wrong Matches aka Overflowing Joy
1957狀元紅The Successful Scholar aka Mistaken Sacrifice Offerings
1958美男子潘安The Story of Poon On
1958水冰心三戲過其祖How Shui Bing-sum Thrice Played Tricks on Koi Kei-cho
1959二世祖盲公問米The Spendthrift Son Reduced to be a Spirit Medium
1959三姐下凡The Fairy Third Sister's Trip to the Secular World
1960苦命妻千里報夫仇The Revenge of a Forlorn Wife
1960富貴榮華The Princess and Fok Wah李壽祺
1960夜祭碧桃花The Story of Lady Bik-to
Romantic Music, Part One
Romantic Music, Concluding Episode
1961龍鳳嬉春An Ideal Couple
1961夫證妻兇Witness for the Prosecution
1962虎將爭妻Two Generals in Contention for a Wife李壽祺
1962公主與七小俠The Princess and the Magnificent Seven
1962春花長好月長圓Flowers Forever Blossoming, Moon Forever Full
1962珠樓錯Love in the Pearl Chamber
1962小偵探Little Detective
A False Marriage, Part One
1962血洗愛河橋Execution for Rebellion李壽祺
A False Marriage, Concluding Episode
1962歌唱仕林祭塔Madame White Snake
1962春滿帝王家The Royal Wedding in the Palace馮志剛、黃鶴聲、珠璣、馮峰、李願聞、 李壽祺
1963春風得意鳳和鳴The Adventure of Yau Lung
1963妙賊The Funny Thief
1963風雨泣萍姬Tragic Love Ping-kei
1964龍翔鳳舞慶新春Prince's Lovers
1964滿堂吉慶Happiness Reigns Everywhere盧敦、吳回 、左几、李鐵、李晨風、胡鵬、秦劍、珠璣、 凌雲、陳文、莫康時、 陳雲、陳烈品、黃鶴聲、黃岱、馮峰、馮志剛、 楚原、楊工良、蔡昌、 蔣偉光、盧雨岐、龍圖